Why Wilco?
Wilco Area Career Center students share "Why Wilco?" #CareerTechEd, #PerkinsCTE, #PerkinsV, #CTEMonth, #STEM , #SkillsGap, #WkDev, #workforcedevelopment, #Comm_College Camron Allen, Plainfield Central High . . .
Wilco spotlight: Annaliese McClelland '16
Culinary alumnus Annaliese McClelland of Romeoville High School is an aspiring entrepreneur and mom. Below she answers a few questions about her journey and how life at Wilco prepared her for . . .
WILCO Virtual Tour
Wondering what Wilco has to offer? Take this Virtual Tour of the facility and learn about the various programs we have here at Wilco. Click here to continue to the tour.
Wilco Student Services Tutor, Megan Truscott, interviewed some Wilco students about their experience here at Wilco. Click to watch video.
Alumni Corner
This week's Alumni Visit highlight is Anthony Knasiak (on the left). Anthony, a former Lemont student, studied Criminal Justice at Wilco and graduated this past May. Private Knasiak brought a fellow Lemont student with him to visit Wilco this . . .
Legislative Day in Springfield
A big THANK YOU to state Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant for meeting with high school students in Springfield on Legislative Day. Pictured are Senator Bertino-Tarrant, students David Reavill, Kaleb Hannack, and Mrs. Kaufman from Wilco.
Reed-Custer Freshman Tour Wilco
Reed-Custer freshman visited the Wilco campus today to get an idea about all the programs we offer here. Teachers and current Wilco students explained about their programs, about dual credit and about the careers available in their field.
We are providing homework help to Wilco students at home! Looking for additional assistance for your online assignments, please reach out to your instructor or staff below at Wilco: New Mobile Phone Numbers include: . . .
Our 2018 Open House was a great success! Thank you to our current parents and students and all those possible future students who came through the building last night! We appreciate our home schools reaching out to all their parents to let . . .
Baylor From Congressman Lipinski's Office Visits Wilco Today
Dr. Christopher Baylor, Congressional Research Assistant for Congressman Daniel Lipinski, visited Wilco today. Congressman Lipinski wanted information on our facility and Dr. Baylor toured with Director, Elizabeth Kaufman and Principal Bosa . . .
Wilco Showcases Health/First Responders at Open House
The WILCO Area Career Center hosted it's first of two Open Houses on Thursday, September 16th to share program information with prospective/interested students, as well as showcase current students accomplishments. WILCO partners . . .
We would like to share some information on COVID-19 that may be helpful to our staff and students. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration info page: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/ . . .
Watch Our New Wilco Video!
We have a new video which will appear on Romeoville public TV and we'd like to share it with you here: .cgi-rt{position:relative;pointer-events: none;height:406px;max-height:406px;max-width:720px;}@media only screen and (max-width: . . .
Alumni Corner
We had a visit today from Navy Boatswain Mate, Shawn Rosen. Shawn was a 2018 graduate of Plainfield South high school and attended the Criminal Justice program here at Wilco. Shawn is currently serving on the USS Benfold, which is a destroyer . . .
Wilco FFA Chapter Receives Re-Charter
Wilco re-chartered its FFA Chapter at the state FFA meeting this week. Pictured are Wilco Veterinary Assistant students Haley Costain and Rebecca Lira with the new (re) charter. Click on the link below to see the news release on the charter: . . .
State Senator Pat McGuire Visits Wilco
State Senator Pat McGuire was invited to visit Wilco by our students who were visiting Springfield a few weeks ago for the IACTE Showcase Day. He came to visit today and toured the school and spoke with students in many of the classrooms.
BHS Sophomores Tour Wilco
Bolingbrook High School sophomores toured Wilco today to get an idea of what programs are offered for them. After visiting the classrooms, the students were served a lunch prepared by the Culinary Arts students. Thanks for visiting BHS! We . . .
Wilco Area Career Center, Romeoville has the following openings for the 2021-2022 school year: Full-time or Part-time Clinical Supervisor for CNA Program. Must be a Registered Nurse in State of Illinois for 2 years. Must have 1 . . .
Puppy Therapy - Who Knew?
Mrs. Kaufman's family just got 2 puppies. She decided to bring them in for the day to share with the students. We've never seen such a reaction before!!! It was wonderful therapy for those stressed out students and the preschoolers . . .
Know the Difference Between Cold, Flu & COVID-19
See the Difference in symptoms between Cold, Flu & COVID-19 in this flyer from the Illinois Department of Public Health. IDPH Flyer Know the Difference