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Bullying/Harassment & Threat Prevention

Welcome to the Wilco Area Career Center's anonymous reporting form for bullying/harassment & threat prevention. Your safety and well-being are our top priority, and we are committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for all students.


Please use this form to report any incidents of bullying or harassment that you have witnessed or experienced at Wilco Area Career Center. Your identity will remain anonymous unless you choose to provide your contact information for follow-up.

Information Needed to Complete Form:

Date and Time of Incident: Please specify when the incident occurred.

Location: Where did the incident take place (e.g., classroom, hallway, restroom)?

Description of Incident: Provide details about what happened.

Names of Individuals Involved: Include names of those who were involved in the incident (if known).

Your Contact Information (Optional): You may provide your contact details if you wish to be contacted for further information.


All reports submitted through this form are treated confidentially. The information provided will only be accessible to designated school personnel responsible for investigating and addressing incidents of bullying or harassment. 

Submit a Report:

To submit a report, please fill out the form below. The monitoring hours for this new system are from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on school days. Please note that reports submitted outside of these hours or during holidays may not be reviewed or responded to until the next scheduled school day.

Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for everyone at Wilco Area Career Center.


Please note that submitting false reports or misuse of this form may result in disciplinary action. This form is intended for reporting genuine concerns related to bullying or harassment. 

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding bullying or harassment at Wilco Area Career Center, please contact Dr. Alicia Cook, Assistant Director/Principal, 815.838.6941 x1032 or acook@wilcoacc.org  

 *Report all allegations of bullying to Wilco staff or administration or the online anonymous bullying reporting system below.

*In case of an emergency or imminent threat, call 9-1-1.

Antibullying Links

Wilco Bullying/Harassment & Threat Prevention Form

Student – Parent Handbook

Wilco Policy # 7.155 -Preventing Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment

Safe2Help Illinois Helpline


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Wilco Area Career Center 500 Wilco Blvd Romeoville, IL  60446


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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