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Team-Based Challenges Inspire Young Minds
The Wilco Early Childhood Education program is proud to present its latest initiative: Interactive Boards as part of the Team-Based Challenge within their curriculum. This innovative approach has captivated the hearts and minds of the . . .
Wilco’s Early Childhood Pre-K Class receives a Special Visit
Today the Pre-K crew had a special visit from Principal / Assistant Executive Director Dr. Alicia Cook. Dr Cook read a book about being well-mannered and created balloon animals for all the kids. Everyone had a great . . .
Wilco Preschool receives a Santa visit
Wilco’s Early ChildhoodPreschool had a magical visit from the North Poll this week. Thank you Santa for making our day extra special
Wilco ECE Program receives Donation
The Wilco Early Childhood Education Program is honored to accept a generous check of $1000 from the Joliet Junior Woman’s Club. The funds given will help support the student organization FCCLA as the ECE students . . .
10 Wilco Seniors Awarded 2024 Scholarship Recipients
Wilco Area Career Center awarded 10 scholarships to Seniors for the 2023-2024 academic year. Scholarship recipients were selected based on evidence of commitment, leadership, achievement and financial need. . . .
FCCLA State Competion Results
These students were chosen by FCCLA state competition to represent Illinois at Nationals this summer July 2-6th in Denver Colorado! CONGRATULATIONS.....We are proud of everyone! National Qualifiers Carina . . .
Early Childhood Education
Description The Child Care program is designed to train students in the field of Early Childhood Education. Topics covered in the course will include development of a child from birth to age 5; creating a safe and healthy environment; . . .
Halloween Parade with the Wilco Preschoolers
Today, Preschool conducted their Halloween Parade at Wilco Area Career Center. The high school students, teachers and preschoolers at Wilco walked the hallways and collected a variety of tricks for . . .