Aviation Mechanics Course Description
Aviation Mechanics
This senior-only course is offered in partnership with Lewis University. Fall Semester students will take AVMT-10600 Aviation Fundamentals (4 credit hours), where they will learn about aerodynamics, aircraft design, stability, control, Federal Aviation Administration regulations and publications, weight and balance, and ground handling of aircraft. The course has 90 contact hours (60 lecture/30 lab) and meets the requirements of 14 CFR 147.
Spring Semester students will take AVMT -11000 Aircraft Structures 1 (4 credit hours), which will focus on riveting and sheet metal repair, including aluminum, forming and layout, and oxyacetylene welding operations. Corrosion and corrosion control are also studied. The course requires a high level of motivation, and adequate time to devote to studying a college-level course with 180 contact hours (60 lecture/120 lab).
*Students will need their own transportation to and from Lewis University.
*Minimum 3.0 GPA
*Completion of Algebra I & Algebra II with a grade of C or higher
*Physics (completed or enrolled in fall semester) with a grade of C or higher
Dual credit: Lewis University AVMT-10600 and AVMT-11000 (8 credit hours).
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