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Wilco Culinary St. Patrick Buffet

The Wilco Culinary Program hosted it's annual St. Patrick's Day buffet and it was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of community spirit. Guests from various backgrounds came together to enjoy the food and the company, sharing stories and laughter. The students of the Wilco Culinary Program mingled with the guests, eager to receive feedback and discuss their passion for cooking.

For the students, the event was an invaluable educational experience.  It allowed them to apply their skills in a real-world setting, manage large-scale food preparation, and understand the importance of presentation and customer service.  The hands-on experience gained through such events is crucial in shaping their future careers in the culinary arts.

The Wilco Culinary Program's St. Patrick's Day Buffet was more than just a dining experience; it was a celebration of tradition, community, and culinary excellence.  The event not only provided a delectable meal but also strengthened the bond between the culinary program and the community it serves.  As guests left with satisfied palates and fond memories, the success of the event was evident, promising even more exciting culinary events in the future.

Thank you to everyone who attended!

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Wilco Area Career Center 500 Wilco Blvd Romeoville, IL  60446


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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